International Exams

  • The Pearson Tests of English are exams that evaluate  language knowledge in authentic and realistic contexts through a topic or situation as a guiding principle. The use of  language to solve concrete real-life situations is valued without leaving behind the grammar structures needed to carry them on. The abilities being assessed  are: listening and reading comprehension, language use in dialogues, writing, and oral skills.
  • The written and oral tests are taken in Argentina through an extended network of authorized centres by Pearson United Kingdom. Exams are then sent to London, more precisely to Pearson’s main office, to be graded and given a  final score grade . Those students who pass the test, will receive an international certificate issued by Edexcel – England’s largest  evaluating centre, authorized by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority of the British Government.
  • Levels 3, 4, and 5 are recognized as: admission criteria for scholarships, access for better jobs, and undergraduate or graduate studies in many international universities.
  • The highest graded students of each level in Argentina, receive merit  certificate highlighting their outstanding  performance.

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